Friday, January 21, 2011

Silly Photo Friday!!

sorry for not posting all week. it's only the second week of school and already things are crazy busy. so i apologize times a million and i promise i will start posting aside from my new features. i'm actually 98% up to peed in all my classes so that's a good start at least. and it's friday (woah, already?? where did my week go?) but i'm super happy because i have another fun night planned with friends. and this time i'm going to try to take more photos. last night i was at my friend's dorm (i practically live there, i swear) and we all had a blast talking, hanging out, and being silly!!

it actually creates the perfect opportunity for me to introduce my newest feature. "silly photo friday" (or thursday, im still deciding) is going to be some fun pictures that i either a. had taken or b. am in. (maybe both??) i'm trying to take more photos this year (as if i didn't take a lot before) and this will be a fun way to show a few off. and finally...onto the photos. (warning: sorry for the quality this week. between the setting my camera was on and the awful lights in the hallway the pictures aren't 100% perfect, but they are 100% fun!!) :)

the always fun "let's jump up in the air and get a picture of us mid-jump". not easy but always makes for tons of laughs. (note my friend damian in the back...he almost knocked a tile out of the ceiling!!)

damian is one of my closest guy friends. one of the reasons we got so close was because we spent so much time practicing together for that huge dance competition this past november. and whenever ballroom kids and  performers get together, you get the constant need to dance and ham it up in front of the camera.

taylor is def one of my closest friends here. we actually went to opposing high schools but never knew each other. we have so much fun together, but that also leads to so much trouble. ;)

That's it for this "silly photo friday". feel free to tell me what you think about the newest feature. i'm off to go get ready for tonight!! can't wait. xoxo, Lauren

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